Creating a New Custom Model in Generative AI

Create a new custom model using a pretrained foundational model as a base. Provide your own dataset for the training.

Before you create a model, ensure that you have permission to create custom models and list buckets, and that your dataset meets the training data requirements.
  1. In the navigation bar of the Console, select a region with Generative AI, for example, US Midwest (Chicago). If you don't know which region to select, see Regions with Generative AI.
  2. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under AI Services, click Generative AI.
  3. In the left navigation, choose a compartment for the custom model.
  4. Click Custom models.
  5. Click Create model.
  6. Click Create a new model.
  7. Select a compartment to create the model in. The default compartment is the one you selected in step 3, but you can select any compartment that you have permission to work in.
  8. (Optional) Enter a name for the custom model. Start the name with a letter or underscore, followed by letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores. The length can be 1–255 characters. If you leave the name blank, the system generates a name that you can change later.

    The generated name has the format generativeaimodel<timestamp>.

    For example: generativeaimodel20240117184419

  9. (Optional) Enter a version and description. If you leave the version blank, the system generates a version that you can change later.

    The generated version has the format v<timestamp>.

    For example: v20240117184419

  10. Click Next.
  11. Choose a Base Model for the custom model.
    For the base model details, see the text generation pretrained models.
  12. Choose a Fine-tuning method.

    For guidelines, see Choosing a Fine-tuning Method in Generative AI.
  13. Choose a fine-tuning dedicated AI cluster by performing one of the following actions:
    • Click a Dedicated AI cluster from the drop-down list. If you just created a cluster, wait for that cluster to become active. Ensure that the base model that's associated with this cluster matches the base model in step 11.
    • In the Dedicated AI cluster drop-down list, click Create new dedicated AI cluster and perform the following steps:
      1. (Optional) Enter a name and description.
      2. Choose a Base model that matches the base model in step 11.
      3. Read the commitment unit hours for the fine-tuning dedicated AI cluster and click to agree with the commitment.
      4. Click Create and wait for the cluster to become active.
      5. From the Dedicated AI cluster drop-down list, click the dedicated AI cluster that you created.
  14. (Optional) Click Show hyperparameters, review the hint text and tooltips and hint text and update the values. To reset, click Restore defaults.
  15. Click Next.
  16. Click the name of the bucket that contains the training dataset. If the bucket is not listed:
    • Ensure that the bucket is in the same region as the custom model.
    • Click Change compartment and choose the compartment that hosts the bucket with the training data.
    • Ask an administrator to give you permission to buckets and objects in this compartment.
  17. Click the name of the Training file.
  18. Preview how the data in the training file is ingested. If the data records parse correctly, click Submit. Otherwise, fix the data.
After the model is created, you can get the custom model's details from the detail page.